

Thanks to the new coating made of braided strap in nylon 6/6, the PARIPLUS hose meets all the requirements of the European Standard EN 13618, providing excellent corrosion resistance, even superior than the best stainless steel. For this reason it is particularly indicated in the installation of toilet cisterns or in environments with high humidity levels. The PARIPLUS hoses, are in accordance to various worldwide standards for materials in contact with water, depending on the material used in the inner tube.

Consigliato per
Suitable for
Toilet cassette
Toilet cassette
Toilet hydrobrush
Toilet hydrobrush

Neoperl Italia Srl
Via Borgomanero 84
28012 Cressa (No) Italy
Tel +39 0322 863301
Part. Iva IT01604580033

Sedi operative 
Via Borgomanero, 84 - Cressa (NO)
Via Velleia, 19 - Monza (MB)
Via XXV Giugno 1900 - Soncino (CR)

AVR Valvole e Rubinetti