Industrial system

In the construction of industrial systems for gas passage, there are many uses for flexible hoses, both to facilitate connections in "uncomfortable" applications and to compensate for any movement of the rigid system. NPI Italia's proposal for these applications are completely stainless-steel hoses, with or without external braid, able to withstand even very high pressures and temperatures.

Tutti i nostri prodotti, qualora dovessero essere smontati e sostituiti, possono essere considerati "rifiuti indifferenziati" e disposti nelle apposite aree. Non sono richiesti particolari trattamenti per lo smaltimento

Neoperl Italia Srl
Via Borgomanero 84
28012 Cressa (No) Italy
Tel +39 0322 863301
Part. Iva IT01604580033

Sedi operative 
Via Borgomanero, 84 - Cressa (NO)
Via Velleia, 19 - Monza (MB)
Via XXV Giugno 1900 - Soncino (CR)

AVR Valvole e Rubinetti