
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo.

Tutti i nostri prodotti, qualora dovessero essere smontati e sostituiti, possono essere considerati "rifiuti indifferenziati" e disposti nelle apposite aree. Non sono richiesti particolari trattamenti per lo smaltimento

From hoses to aerators, Neoperl products have been designed to ensure reliability and high-quality performance, without neglecting water and energy savings. Many products in the Neoperl range are multi-certified and therefore guarantee the possibility of a valid offer worldwide.


For any system that you want to connect, whether it is domestic or industrial, movable or built-in, NPI Italia has the right hose that complies with law provisions.

Gas oilGas oil

From a small domestic plant to a large industrial plant, where a hose for diesel oil is needed, NPI Italia has the right solution. We offer flexible hoses suitable for the passage of traditional diesel up to the most advanced types of biodiesels.

Neoperl Italia Srl
Via Borgomanero 84
28012 Cressa (No) Italy
Tel +39 0322 863301
Part. Iva IT01604580033

Sedi operative 
Via Borgomanero, 84 - Cressa (NO)
Via Velleia, 19 - Monza (MB)
Via XXV Giugno 1900 - Soncino (CR)

AVR Valvole e Rubinetti